Hello and welcome to my blog, Author Interviews. My name is Fiona Mcvie.


Let’s get you introduced to everyone, shall we? Tell us your name. What is your age?

Suzy Shearer and I’m turning 69 in July

Fiona: Where are you from?

I live in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia

Fiona: A little about your self (ie,  your education, family life, etc.).

I studied mechanical engineering but actually went on to work for the government. I’ve done all sorts of things from narrating documentaries to working with kids with behavioural problems. I have two married sons and six grandchildren. I’m single and a Buddhist.

Fiona: Tell us your latest news.

My most recent book – Steven – (bk 1 in a series called The Silk Rope Masters) came out on June 6th and that same day I signed the contract on the next book – Jake – in the series.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing in 2013. A friend dared me to write a story when I said a book I’d just read was pretty pathetic. So I took her up on the dare and when she said it was good I submitted it to a publisher (Siren Bookstrand) and was shocked when it was accepted.

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I guess when I sold my first book and then had the second accepted, I began thinking maybe I was an author.

Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

The title for this book came rather easily because it isset in a BDSM club. The series is called The Silk Rope Masters because the club is called Silk Rope. As each book is about one of the Masters it made sense to call each book by their name.

Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style? Is there anything about your style or genre that you find particularly challenging?

I’m an erotic author. I always write explicit sex scenes. I’ve actually tried to write without them but somehow they always seem to sneak back in.

The most challenging aspect is to make sure each scene is different. I try to write from both the heroine and the hero’s perspective so the language is different from each character, as are the descriptions.

Fiona: How much of the book is realistic and are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

I think you have to have at least tried things once to write about them accurately. Of course there are some things that aren’t mine but I think at least 75% are based on my own experiences.

Fiona: To craft your works, do you have to travel? Before or during the process?

Rarely – I’m rather a recluse. I hardly ever leave my house anymore due to an event that occurred a number of years ago. But I have a good memory…lol

Fiona: Who designed the covers?

My publisher (Evernight) has a fabulous cover artist – Jay Aheer. My previous publisher (Siren Bookstrand) also had a great artist who did 17 of my books –Harris Channing.

Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

My novels always feature older heroes and heroines. I want my older readers to be able to relate to the characters; and I’d like my younger ones to understand that sex isn’t just for the under 30s. Even in our 60s we can be just as sexy, make silly mistakes and fall in love as anyone in their youth. In fact most of us have the experience behind us to make things more interesting.

Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?  Who is your favorite writer, and what is it about their work that really strikes you?

My favourite writers are Matthew Reilly, Kathy Reichs, Karin Slaughter. I love the way they take you into the book on a fast paced ride, especially Matthew. I really enjoy the fast way they hook you into the book, making you want to turn each page eagerly.

I also enjoy reading some of the old classics like Pride and Prejudice, Moby Dick, She, and also murder mystery writers like Sayers, Marsh and Christie. I find it weird when I read some of them how they head-hop yet I never noticed it before.

Fiona: Outside of family members, name one entity that supported your commitment to become a published author.

My soul sister, Lindi. She’s been with me through all sorts of darkness and she shares the light with me. She is also my beta reader.

Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

I am a watercolour artists as well as an author so consider the both my career.

Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

No. I enjoyed writing it and I loved the characters. It also introduces characters who will be appearing in future books in the series.

Fiona: Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?

I learn something from every new book, my publisher has great editors and I always discover something new like gerunds and those pesky crutch words that try and sneak in.

Fiona: If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?

Tough question. I actually scour the internet looking for heroes for inspiration. Never search of any for the heroine because she’s always me…lol. In this book I’d think I’d like some sexy mature hunk like Hugh Jackman

Fiona: Any advice for other writers?

Write, write and write some more. Read as much as you can, any genre. It’s impossible to please everyone so just write for yourself and what you believe in. And remember to never let bad reviews get to you – we all get them, even the best authors like J K Rowling and Stephen King.

Fiona: Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

I love my readers. They are one of the reasons I keep writing, they encourage me and give me wonderful love. All I can say is appreciate every single one – a big thank you to each and every one.

Fiona: What book are you reading now?

Jeffrey Deaver’s The Cutting Edge

Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?

The Thyme Garden by Edward Eager. I read it when I was about 10 and it started me on the path of reading and loving books.

Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

My grandkids make me laugh. Cry? I’m one of those people who won’t cry, I just bottle it all up.

Fiona: Is there one person, past or present, you would love to meet? Why?

His Holiness the Dalia Lama. Being a Buddhist he is my idol. His compassion and love for all is something I strive for. To be able to spend time in his presence just talking wherever the conversation takes us would be a dream.

Fiona: Do you have any hobbies?

Watercolour painting. Although it’s more of a career as I take on commissions. I used to quilt but haven’t made any for a number of years.

Fiona: What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?

Not a big TV fan so don’t often watch it but I do like Doctor Who, Shetland andMidsomer Murders. As far as film – SciFi, Adventures and thriller/mysteries are my favourite.

Fiona: Favorite foods, colors,  music?

Foods – Bread & Chocolate, Colours – Purple & Green, Music – very eclectic, love everything including Opera and Classical except C&W and Rap/Techno

Fiona: Imagine a future where you no longer write. What would you do?

Continue painting, I would imagine.

Fiona: You only have 24 hours to live how would you spend that time?

With family. 

Fiona: What do you want written on your head stone?

“She aimed for the moon and found the Universe”

Fiona: Do you have a blog or website readers can visit for updates, events and special offers?

Readers can sign up for my quarterly newsletter via my website. Each quarter I give away an ebook, sometimes 2.

Website – http://www.suzyshearer.com

Blog – http://suzyshearer.blogspot.com

Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/author/suzyshearer

Publishers –

