Name Kia Carrington-Russell

Age 23

Where are you from Brisbane, Australia

A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc  

‘Kia is a Token, no, she is THE Token of Vampire & Paranormal books.’ ~ 5 STAR Reviewer.
Prepare to join a completely different style of writing and worlds. The international Australian author has a unique style of writing- creating an emotional roller coaster and fast paced action. Her writing and presence in the literary world has been described as ‘the new up and coming author to watch out for’ and ‘hauntingly beautiful’.
Kia’s writing ranges from young adult, paranormal, romance, erotica, fantasy and dystopian; starting with her Best Selling series, which has made it into the top 20 in Dystopian on and #26 in the top 50 Books To Read in 2015 by ReadFree.
Her first series, The Three Immortal Blades has captivated both young readers and old, with her rich blend of fast paced action, romance and adventure and has won numerous awards already, including; ‘Best Fantasy Series of 2014’, ‘Best Book bad Guy of 2014’, and ‘Best Cliffhanger of 2014’.
She has won numerous awards on her contemporary romance series, My Escort and erotica/ humour series, Aroused: Taming Himself Series. The series and unique storylines have captivated hearts globally and created a few book boyfriends along the way with Damon’s charm and Hayden’s cockiness.
Kia grew up in the Darling Downs Region in Queensland, Australia. Graduating High School, she pursued a career in freelance journalism. In 2014, having always had a passion for writing fiction, she decided to follow her dream of becoming an accomplished author.
Kia intends to make her books globally known and is already creating a name for herself amongst social media, fans, readers and spectators.
During the weekdays Kia works at her Monday to Friday job in Logistics and Transport. She leaves her book worlds to the night and weekends, being well described as a driven young woman.
Kia has attended numerous guest speaking, convention signings, and signings including at Dymocks bookstores and Angus and Robinson. She is an animal lover and organises different events each mid year to donate towards the RSCPA in Australia.
Kia is extremely supported by her amazing Street Team and PA, Julia Summers, to whom she owes much too for their support. At first, she struggled with believing in herself and the confidence to promote her own books. Now understanding the touch that she has and the passion of writing, Kia is more confident in her ability to take readers into a different world. She intends to write more than fifty books so far including new genres such as horror, thrillers, sci-fi and children’s books.
Kia enjoys dancing, cooking, reading, painting, photography and spending time with her family and friends.
Now living in Brisbane, Australia, Kia has a can do attitude, a strong will and the touch of kindness that makes it hard not to fall in love with her. Announced ‘The Best New Author of 2015’ by AusRomToday, she has no intentions of stopping. Kia Carrington-Russell is definitely the new author to be looking out for.

Fiona: Tell us your latest news?

Currently I am releasing my twelfth book, Taste, book two in the Taming Himself Series. I am currently writing book three in my best selling series, Token Huntress and working on promotion and campaigns for further exposure to new readers in the new year.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

I began writing as it was a sense of freedom and escaping ‘reality’. As a teen I found that this helped me and then eventually led into a passion then a form of escapism. I started writing at fifteen and didn’t take my manuscripts seriously until I was about nineteen. Between that time I studied for and thought I wanted to become a journalist.

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Only in recent years. It’s odd. I’ve always written, but considering myself a professional in the field didn’t come naturally to me. It was only until I became confident in myself and books that I considered myself as an official ‘writer’.

Fiona: What inspired you to write your first book?

When I was fifteen I read a lot of Young Adult/ Fantasy books. I’ve always had an imagination and it was when I was reading ‘The City of Bones’ that I decided to start writing. I think I was so influenced in the ‘new’ and ‘different world’ that I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could do the same.

Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style?

If I had to describe it I would say it’s a classical/ poetical form of writing. I use proper words instead of a lot of abbreviations which some readers aren’t used to and think its not fitting for setting/ current age of how people speak, but its just how I write. I hope that every word and sentence are beautiful, deep and meaningful, and so my writing displays that.

Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

Some of my titles come very naturally. Others not so much. I might have written most of the book before I know the title, but I wait until it comes to me and it is fitting for the entirety of the books. With series, I try to keep the names in theme.

Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Absolutely. It’s very simple. To stay open minded. Anything could be possible. I want people to question ‘what if’s’. I have a lot of messages in my books for different reasons, but that is the one that I want every reader to question while reading and afterwards.

Fiona: How much of the book is realistic and are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Most of it, I think it would be difficult to write a certain expression or emotion if I hadn’t experienced or witnessed it myself. As for the events in my books most of those are created to fit the book.

Fiona: What books have most influenced your life most? a mentor?

Kirsten Cashore and Sarah J. Mass are a huge influence and impact on me. I love their writing and twists. The seemingly happy, yet not happy ending. Angie Hudson is a huge mentor/ friend to me. She is phenomenal and has taught me so much. I really value our friendship and all that she has taught me. She is honestly one of the most amazing people I have ever met and the kindest as well. I would hope that most authors act as she does, and simply helps new authors where the can. She is a real inspiration.

Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest and who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Kirsten Cashore and Sarah J. Mass are a huge influence and impact on me. I love their writing and twists. The seemingly happy, yet not happy ending. Their writing is unique and their main heroines are strong, witty and not innocent and sweet. I like that, it’s real, it’s challenging and it can be to some readers, controversial. I love it because it means that it is striking up a real issue or message.

Fiona: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

My girls from America. I have a small team of women including my PA, Julia, who have helped me so much in this journey. There is no way I could’ve managed and believed in myself to this extent without them. They are utter gems. My reads also have had a huge impact, I don’t think they will ever realise how much it blows my mind that I am connecting with readers all over the world, who appreciate my books and extend that kindness and support to me. Its breathtaking, I am really grateful.

Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

Absolutely. If you work hard enough and put in the same amount of hours as a full time job then why shouldn’t it be? If it’s your passion it’s an added bonus. I think if anyone thinks differently than they are obviously not a lover of the arts or understand the hardship one has in the industry. To support authors they first have to be taken seriously and their work be treated as the product it is.

Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

No. My books flow and create themselves. Sometimes I just feel like the puppet that’s writing them.

Fiona: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

From reading Young Adult books as a teenager.

Fiona: Can you share a little of your current work with us?

I currently work 50-60 hours a week as Transport Manager for my state, Queensland in Australia. I manage a fleet of drivers and converse with sales, customer service, drivers and warehouse daily. It’s a circus act most days juggling all the tasks at hand, but it definitely suits my pace, much like how I work in the book world. I have a reputation for being a workaholic or ‘Superwoman’ is a title some have given me. I’m constantly on the go and can certainly say that every hour in my day is catered for. Before and after my long days at work, I am working on my books or writing. Somewhere I try to balance a healthy lifestyle and exercise. I remind myself that I am my own brand and representative and if my body doesn’t look like it is being looked after then I am not looking after my brand properly. And plus it makes me feel better, healthier and more energized.

Fiona: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Sometimes just sitting down to write. I usually have writing marathons so when I sit down and write, I usually write 4,000 to 10,000 words. I think sometimes I get frustrated because I don’t think I am writing a book quick enough because there are so much ideas running through my head, that it’s a relief once I’ve typed it.

Fiona: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

I travel often to signings, guest speaking and am trying to do an international tour every year from now on. 2016 was my first year and I travelled to USA. I absolutely loved it. I hope that I can live a wonderful life via my books and see the world.

Fiona: Who designed the covers?

All my new covers were beautifully designed and created by author, Angie Hudson. They are stunning.

Fiona: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Just write. It is a simple as that. There is no magic trick. Just sit and write, because it is the first question most writers I mentor ask and it will always be the same answer. It’s some tough love, but don’t say you will do it, actually do it. The feeling of completing an entire manuscript cannot be explained, you will have to experience it yourself to truly appreciate it.

Fiona: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you so much for all your support and love. I am really enjoying my journey and having you all a part of it. I am blessed that I have the opportunity to meet some of you, even if we are on separate parts of the world. I am grateful to those who I have become dearly indebted to and feel like a second family. Simply, thank you and I love you.

Fiona: What book are you reading now?

I love reading manga, so I am being a bit of a nerd and reading that as well as Nalini Singh’s Psy Chaneling Series.


Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

I absolutely love animal videos of when they do silly things. I can’t help it, its my guilty pleasure. They’re so funny.

Fiona: If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?

I think I would’ve enjoyed something challenging. I have an analytical mind so I think I would’ve been suited to psychology, I love figuring people out and motives. I think that’s why I love writing so much and getting into someone elses head and seeing how it works and why they justify their actions. Discovering who my characters are is rather interesting. I am very business minded so think I would’ve enjoyed a CEO position. I’m intrigued by marketing and the magazine industry. Last but not least, I love dancers and the hard work they put in. Maybe in another life J


Fiona: Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?

I certainly do.

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