Name  Terri DelCampo

(I will continue to use Terri DelCampo as my pen name, though I recently married Blaze McRob aka Robert Nelson, and will be using, in my personal life, Terri DelCampo-Nelson.)

Age 57

Where are you from?

Originally from Wilmington, Delaware, but I’ve lived in Georgia for the past fifteen years.



A little about yourself, i.e. your education Family life etc.  

My father was an undertaker, my mother a homemaker.  Until I was nine we shared a house with my great-grandmother, great aunt, grandmother, grandfather, two boarders and my parents.  (It was a big-ass house.)  When I was nine my great-grandmother died in my arms, and with her passing everything changed.

I was married at nineteen, dropped out of college where I was majoring in Journalism.  I raised two sons, the marriage dissolved after 20 years when I was forty.  I got a job and finished raising my sons.

When the mutual funds transfer agency where I’d worked for several years was bought out and my department cut,  I wanted to travel the country writing a book about Native American Powwows (I’m part Haudenosaunee) and support myself with temp jobs.  However temp jobs had pretty much dried up at the time, and I stalled out in Florida.  I had family in Georgia and made it there flat broke and dismayed.  That didn’t last long.  I got a job as a pharmacy tech at CVS, and I’ve been renting a room from my family ever since.

In 2009 I had a bad car accident and am disabled.  Ended my career as a pharmacy tech (good thing) and began my career as editor/publisher/writer of Owl’s Eye View Magazine and my portfolio of Kindle Books.

Spent a couple of years as a live in Nana to my grandchildren, who I miss very much since life took me in another direction, unfortunately far away from them.

Last year I met Blaze McRob (online – he reviewed my dark fiction monthly, “Owl’s Eye View Magazine” and we began messaging back and forth, he in Cheyenne, Wyoming, me in Alpharetta, Georgia.  He asked me if I would accompany him to the World Horror Convention / Bram Stoker Awards Banquet.  I said yes.  And I said yes again when he arrived and proposed marriage.  We were wed two weeks ago.  We are known by many Alpharettians as ‘the cute couple.’



Fiona: Tell us your latest news?

We newlyweds are starting up a small press of our own, (Blazing Owl Press) to handle our own projects.  Blaze and I both have several novels, novellas, short story collections and articles, and we both have experience editing and formatting and have done our share of work for other writers.  We want to take some time and concentrate on getting our own projects out there.


Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

I was eleven and my parents were having marital problems and I had a rich fantasy life.  I had a wicked crush on Bobby Sherman and wrote a romance novel.  My friends and I used to play pretend a lot, and I would come up with these elaborate role-playing ideas, usually inspired by Star Trek, General Hospital (Jessie Brewer was my idol), and Mary Poppins.  I started writing them down.

When I was fourteen I read The Telltale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe and was immediately hooked on the macabre, so my writing gravitated in that direction thus came the ooky short stories, some of which appear in my current collections.   When I was sixteen I read “Carrie” by Stephen King and was fascinated by his realism.  It never occurred to me to write about mean girls shouting “Plug it up,” and throwing tampons at some pathetic kid in the locker room.  My writing had already taken a turn for the macabre after reading Poe, then it took a turn for the horrific after reading King, and I never looked back.


Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

At eleven.  I wrote a novel – 145 pages.  That’s a writer.  Even though my personal life took a lot of hairpin turns, I never stopped writing.  Ever.  It’s who I am.


Fiona: What inspired you to write your first book? 

A pin up teen idol – Bobby Sherman.  I had it bad for him.  145 pages worth of serious crush.

My first full length dark fiction was actually in screenplay form.   Nazi Conscience.  My first two novels, “Reflection,” “Into the Mist,” and two novellas, “Nazi Conscience,” and “Tooth for a Tooth,” were actually all written first as screenplays.  Getting screenplays produced is next to impossible, and they were going nowhere, so I wrote them all into novellas and novels and built my portfolio which no one seemed to be interested in, but me, of course.

When I became disabled in a car crash in 2009 I figured it was a good chance to self-publish.  I founded Owl’s Eye View Magazine and started putting up my six novels in installments, dozens of short stories, and novellas.   The magazine also contains several columns that are penned by fictional characters from my books.   I write their articles in their voices, and have a grand time being all kinds of creative every month.


Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style?

I think I lean toward psychological, spooky horror.  I’m not about human meat grinder stuff.  I can and often do put in the gore, the blood and guts, but it’s always wrapped around a solid story line, and I have a lot of ongoing characters that reappear in other books.  Occasionally I will kill them off, (King quotes one of his college professors as saying, “Kill your darlings.”  –  Meaning don’t get too attached to your own phrasing and passages.  But I take that also in a literal way meaning, don’t get too attached to your favorite characters.  You’re writing horror – write on the edge.)  I try to keep my readers on that edge.  I mean, if you can figure out everything that’s going to happen, why spend hours and hours reading a freaking book, right?


Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

I’ve written six novels, three novellas, and a couple of dozen short story collections.  As a general rule of thumb, I make up a title that hints at the subject of the book.  Fiction titles need to be subtle so as not to give away too much of the story.  My non-fiction titles are right to the point and let you know exactly what you’re about to read.


Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I write a lot of strong female leads who take no crap from bullies, and who can hold their own in fights – whether physical or magickal.  They may lose a battle or two, but they are going to come back and kick ass in the ultimate battle between good and evil.   They offer a message of hope from the pits of hell.

I find it difficult to believe that as evolved as human beings like to think we are, there are still women and girls who are oppressed and tortured and killed just because of their gender, in the name of crap written by uneducated dolts centuries ago when they believed the world was flat.  I would hope that my characters transcend this superstitious nonsense and move forward from wherever they are, both physically, psychologically, and emotionally.  I think ignorance and greed are the two greatest evils in the world.


Fiona: How much of the book is realistic? 

I’ve always admired the way Stephen King could take mundane locations and situations and use them to set up his most horrific tales.  Having an average, decent day end up in the terrifying, supernatural toilet is my goal.  I play the ‘what if’ game a lot.  “What if that mirror you just inherited from your grandmother was actually three dimensional and secreted the murderer of your great grandparents?  What if you got trapped inside it with him?”  “What if a vampire couldn’t stand the thought of killing others to survive?”  “What if there were owl sentries that hunted down and mutilated pedophile priests?” (These are the ‘what ifs’ for m y first three novels.)


Fiona: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Almost all of my main characters are at least partly based on phases of my real life.  Parts of me live in Lucy Bernelli, Meredith Alden, and Melanie Mirth.  And the men and women in their lives are often based on friends and relatives from my real life as well.

However, I ain’t revealing any specifics, muahaha!


Fiona: What books have most influenced your life? A mentor?

I loved Dr. Seuss and read all his stuff constantly when I was really little.  I also LOVED Mary Poppins.  I wanted her to come to my house and straighten out my father the way she straightened out George Banks.

As far as my writing goes, I guess my biggest influences were Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King.  As mentors go, they really cannot be beaten, although there are many seriously awesome writers around who have also influenced me with their creativity and individuality.


Fiona: What book are you reading now?

I’m juggling:

“The Caretaker” by George Weinstein about a ballerina who loses a leg in a car wreck and has to overcome her overprotective husband.    Excellent read, I’m almost finished with.  I started reading it for my “Terri’s Bookshelf” column in Owl’s Eye View, and have been struggling to finish for weeks now.  I’ve been writing, of course, and completing editing projects for Visionary Press which is incredibly time-consuming.  I’ve read some really fantastic stuff while editing, but I can’t say anything about those books until they are published!  Very frustrating because I want to rave about them.

C.L. Hernandez’ series called “The Complicated Life of Deegie Tibbs.”  I’m actually just starting the first book, “A Jar of Fingers,” but I have the second, “The Witch War of Fiddlehead Creek” all lined up in my Kindle.

I’m reading a lot of Blaze McRob’s stuff these days, because we are editing each other’s work preparing manuscripts for publishing as soon as we get Blazing Owl Press established – which will be soon.  We’re very close to finishing a Halloween story collection, “Blood Spatter,” which will be released this October as a Kindle book.

I’m also reading up on Create Space formatting and publishing, doing lots and lots of research!


Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

C.L. Hernandez!  Fantastic author, Ms. Hernandez!  Relatively new and extremely talented, Fiona.  You should interview her if you haven’t already.  I can never wait to hide myself away with one of her novels or short story collections and see what kind of chills she’s going to send up my spine.  Muahaha!

Check out M.H. Lizzie’s stories on Friday Frights.  They are unique and disturbing.

And for Sci-Fi, try Paul Bussard.  His stories suck you in and he simplifies the scientific material so it’s completely readable.



Fiona: What are your current projects?

Owl’s Eye View Magazine is dark fiction monthly with five columns and a short story to write, edit, and publish every single month on Kindle.

Blood Spatter – a Halloween collection of stories by myself and Blaze McRob that I am also editing, formatting, doing the cover art for.  It will be the first of our books published by Blazing Owl Press on Kindle.

I write a short story every week for

I write a children’s story every week for each of my grandchildren for “The RoJo Adventure Blog.”  There are “Princess Rosie and Joey Owl” stories as well as “Kid Joey” stories.  They are short, but I do the accompanying art for the blog as well.

I write a non-fiction article or two each month for each of my blogs:

Write Now with Terri DelCampo  (My thoughts on all aspects of writing.)

Disability Challenge with Terri DelCampo (My personal experience as a disabled person – some of my solutions to everyday problems facing those challenges.)

Healthy Nudge with Terri DelCampo  (Ideas and thoughts about staying healthy, mostly from a nutritional standpoint, but I’ve covered some health issues I’ve had personal experience with, too, like kidney stones and pre-diabetes.)

My personal “Pause for Thought” blog where I write about posts and commentary I’ve come across on Facebook or Twitter that I feel I want to expand upon.  Sometimes it’s light, humorous stuff, but I’m an opinionated bitch and some issues grab my attention and I blog away.

Editing projects for both Visionary Press Collaborative and Blazing Owl Press.

I think that’s it… jeez, would you look at all that?  Sheesh, I need a nap!


Fiona: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Well, I would say Blaze McRob, but I married the guy, so he’s family now!  So I guess I can’t use him for this question….

I would have to say the Northpoint Writer’s Workshop at the Alpharetta Barnes & Noble – Specifically Terry Segal, Paul Bussard, Ann Foskey, Terry Baddoo, and George Weinstein.  We’ve all critiqued and reviewed one another’s work.  That writers’ workshop was where I got my first validation from other writers.  It’s one thing for friends and family to say you’re a good writer.  It’s quite another to hear it from writers from different genres, some award winning.  I was extremely active in that workshop from 2003 – 2006, and am honored to have remained friends with the members I’ve listed.


Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

Hell yes!  A career fraught with massive hard work and crappy pay (if any pay at all), but a lifelong passion of mine, every aspect of which I’m madly in love with.


Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Nah.  Once I’m done with a novel I’m done.  If I think of anything I left out or anything more to expand upon, I write a sequel or write a related article in Owl’s Eye View Magazine and give my readers a little bit more.


Fiona: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I was a somewhat mature and introverted kid with a vivid imagination.  And when I was little going to stationary/office supply stores excited me much more than toy stores.  I loved pens and pencils and notebooks and desks and my grandmother’s typewriter far more than dolls and balls and monkey bars.  Never went ANYWHERE after the age of eleven without pen and paper, and sometimes my typewriter.



Fiona: Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Here’s an excerpt from one of the stories I’ve written for Blood Spatter, which will be released on Kindle by Blazing Owl Press by the second week of October:



Terri DelCampo


The crone crept through the shadows in her forest – yes her forest, there was nothing of Mother Nature left there.  Long ago Witch Hazel, (That’s right, witch hazel, wanna make something of it?  She dares you.) abandoned the Blessed Be and Harm None shit of the new wave paganism and reverted back to ancient practices of alchemy and even the more ancient practices of the dark magick.


She kept a record of all those who’d come to her through the years with physical complaints, and decided to do good and mete her own brand of justice all at the same time.


She had to agree with most religions in the world that condemned sloth.


That was pretty much where her respect for religion ended, mind you: with a few scant rules that all of them had in common to keep the race alive and motivated.  Beyond that, all that moral shit, and the hypocrisy, yeah, well, fuck that.


But she hated the way things were these days.  People thinking that shuffling paperwork is actually work, that people that carry the weight of the world, the brunt of the work are somehow beneath them, that they don’t want to get their hands dirty with that kind of physical labor, that cheating the 99% out of their fair share after they are the ones that work for it?  Well fuck them.


And fuck the 99% that sit back and don’t lift a finger and let them get away with it.  World politics was bullshit.  What the hell ever happened to inalienable rights?  Food, water, shelter?  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?  Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.  Big business, politicians sit on their fat asses pushing pencils and wheeling and dealing everything out from under their own country, and everybody else sits backs and watches, knowing what’s going on, waving goodbye. Sloth.  Apathy is a form of sloth, she surmised.


The worst kind, she believed.


So here she was in her forest, ready to work some miracles.  But healing the world?  Well she could maybe cut out some of the cancer.


She loaded her pickup in the dead of night, for traveling with this cargo might draw some unwanted attention.


She drove through the night, three towns over from her forest, to her first ‘patient.’


The gangrene had spread to the knee, and was well on its greedy way to the young man’s thigh.  His three children watched her pile out of her truck, and grab a blanket-wrapped –something– from the bed.  Inside the dark figure came, a hood shadowing out her features, except for the tip of her long skinny (stereotypical, actually) nose.


The three children, ages two, three, and five, plastered their little bodies to the wall and the old lady crept through the house and found their father in the back bedroom.  She placed her package on the opposite side of the bed on which their father lay, and returned to her truck for a suitcase.


A large suitcase.


They would have screamed at the sight of the instruments inside.  So would their father, for that matter, but the witch swirled a little potion in an earthen mug, held the man’s nose and dumped it down his throat.  He gulped and gagged at the bitter concoction, but was unconscious within half a minute.


That was when she drew the ax from the suitcase and purified it in the candle flame.  When it was hotter than hell she lifted it above her shoulders and wailed down on the young man’s thigh, just above the knee.  Slammed it down again and again yet, three times in all, then finished the job with scalpels and shears until the leg from the knee down was severed, and she wrapped it in another blanket she had in the suitcase, and set it aside.  She then unwrapped her package, and lifted its contents up, an end at a time, positioning it at the cauterized stump she’d left unbandaged.  There was only one way to stop the bleeding now anyway, she thought.


She jammed the leg she’d severed from a crooked politician she’d killed for trying to swindle his town out of the rights to their Community Park and wetlands, onto the end of the stump she’d just created by removing the young man’s leg.  He was already beginning to come to, she had to hurry.  She waved her hands slowly over the already knitting flesh, mumbling and moaning out her ancient spell, as he began to shriek in pain.


The children, still plastered against the hallway wall, though closer to their father’s door than when the witch had swept through the hall, began to whimper as their father began to cry out making his excruciating pain known not only to them, but to the entire trailer park, it seemed.


And then it stopped.  The screams, the horrible hacking sound, the old lady groaning out her spell; all of it stopped.

And the silence frightened the children almost more than their father’s screams.  Because they thought the old lady had killed him.

Muahaha!  More in Blood Spatter coming in October on Kindle, released by Blazing Owl Press!


Fiona: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Formatting print books is giving me some challenges, because I’ve never done it before.  Unlike formatting Kindle books, print books are just more complicated and tedious.  The covers wrap around, and you have to figure out how much space for the spine depending on book length and make sure along with the text blurbs there is room for bar codes and ISBNs.  And inside there are headers, footers, page numbers…eeek!  But I’m studying and researching like crazy.  I will master it because I’m venturing into the world of publishing with Blaze McRob when we start up Blazing Owl Press.  I slack off and I’ll get a chorus of “Asses and elbows, DelCampo! Get it in gear!”

Another challenge is figuring out what to charge for my stuff.  I think it’s an introvert thing.


Fiona: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? 

Wow.  That’s like asking me which grandchild is my favorite.  Poe and King tie.  Poe’s sense of the macabre was brilliant, and many of his stories and poems haunt me to this day.  King is one seriously talented bastard.  He harpoons your thoracic cavity and drags you around through the dark and twisted tunnels of his mind by your heart until he’s done, and then he may or may not just leave you there in the dark or throw you to his most evil character waiting to scare the crap out of you just one more time before you close the book.

Okay, to be fair, I love the In Death series by JD Robb because, well, I lust over her character, Roarke.  (Shhh!  Don’t tell Blaze!)  I love the Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell.  And for an all-out rollercoaster ride of a read, nothing beats the Bourne books by Robert Ludlum.

Yeah, I’m stopping now.  I could write a whole book about authors I admire, which, incidentally includes my husband, Blaze McRob, whose stories freak me out like a series of bad dreams.


Fiona: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

I haven’t so far, because I’m disabled and I had some physical limitations to figure out.  I used to go to Dragon Con and other local conventions, which were really cool.  I went to a lot of writing panels and met some very talented people who gave me great insight into the publishing process.  Now that the wedding is behind us, Blaze and I are saving up for transportation and hoping to do some book signings locally at least, and eventually up and down the east coast.  We both have physical limitations that inhibit extensive traveling, but once we get it figured out, boom, baby!  We will be out and about.


Fiona: Who designed the covers?

I’ve personally done all the covers for my books because, well, virtually no money.  A friend of mine encouraged me to try, and I found that I actually love goofing around creating art (or my loose interpretation of it, anyway) for my books.  My stuff is painfully simplistic, but attention-getting and I had fun doing all of them.  I also did the logo for Blazing Owl Press.


Fiona: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Starting.  It always is.  I always end up feeding in more material at the beginning, or backstory, or whatever, because I start up with a decent idea and think of at least one cool subplot that I have to put in.  Once I get started I wail on a manuscript until I drop.  I lock myself away and go to town.  Blaze, bless his sweet heart, will start to say something to me, see me hammering away on my laptop and just turn back to his own because I’m from the Jack Torrence school of thought about interrupting writers on a roll:

Okay, I’m not quite THAT psychotic, but I do have tunnel vision when I’m banging out an idea and I’m in get-it-written-mode.


Fiona: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I think every word you write, every sentence you construct, every project you finish, whether screenplay, novel, short story, article, blog, song, or play is a lesson on honing your craft.  For that matter, every experience in life is a learning op.  It’s all about keeping an open mind and looking at things from every single perspective.


Fiona: Do you have any advice for other writers?

First, write because you love it, not because you expect to set the world on fire financially.  That being said, don’t underprice your books.  Look up the going rates and price your books accordingly.  If nothing else go onto Amazon and look at what the big boys are charging for their books.  99 cent novels are bullshit, even for Kindle books.  Yes, there is less overhead, but novel prices are not based on material costs only.  Charging 99 cents (and making about 30 cents) for a novel you spent months of your life writing and perfecting is plain insulting.  You don’t see Stephen King or Ann Rice or Patricia Cornwell releasing a novel for 99 cents.  People would wonder what was wrong with them.  You shouldn’t either.  Have some dignity.  And we won’t even go into 99 cent box sets.  Really?  Writers are already underpaid and under-respected.  Let’s not degrade ourselves, please.  If you behave like a professional writer, you will be treated as such.

Next, writers write, and they write every single day.  Don’t get caught up in distractions, or worse, excuses.  Personally, I designated Sunday as my editor day – all the marketing, business, reviews for others, social page work, etc. goes into a file for Sunday.  Every evening I take an hour or so to put a couple of my book and story links up on social pages, but everything else I handle on Sunday.  The rest of the days of the week are for writing.  When I was working full time day jobs, and raising my children, I used to get up at 4:30 in the morning and write until 7:30.  If I was at a crucial point in the story and wanted to get in extra writing I would work my lunch hours, and evenings after the kids were in bed.  Writing is time consuming, hard work.  If you aren’t willing to carve out at least an hour or two a day from your leisure time to get a few pages written, then find an easier job/hobby.  Seriously, I’m not trying to be mean, but it takes dedication.  There’s a vast difference between someone who writes books/stories, and someone who wants to have written books/stories.  You have to love it; you have to make time for it.

Finally, and perhaps most important: To Writers: Edit and polish your damned manuscripts before you submit them; it’s your book, not the editor’s.  If you expect the editor to spend weeks overhauling and rewriting huge portions of your book, then expect to list him/her as co-author.  I cannot stress this enough.  Submitting a sloppy manuscript is like sending your child to school unbathed and unfed.  There should be laws.  To Editors:  If you don’t know what you’re doing, get out of the editing business.  I have seen books with multiple text errors on the covers.  Multiple errors throughout the book.  There is no excuse for releasing a flawed book to readers.  It’s an embarrassment to the author, the editor, and the publisher.  But most of all it screams “none of us gives a shit” to your readers.  And a done thing is not necessarily better than a perfect thing.  First of all, I don’t consider a book done until it’s as perfect as it can be.  Everything counts.  I will not release a sloppy book for myself or anyone else.  And I wouldn’t dream of submitting a manuscript to an editor that wasn’t as perfect as I could make it.  I don’t understand so-called authors who hand a mess to an editor.  Can you say, rejection slip?


Fiona: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Love my readers!!  There are a few who have been reading my stuff since I was a teenager.  That support and loyalty is so appreciated.  Validation is a wonderful thing.



Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?

The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore.  Read it to my Aunt Edith almost every night.  Bless her heart, the woman had the patience of a saint.  And The Five Little Fireman by Margaret Wise Brown.  Read it over and over and over again to my dad as he drove me to preschool.  I also remember Nurse Nancy by Kathryn Jackson and Corinne Malvern.  But Santa was first.



Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

Everything.  Blaze and I tease each other and laugh at stuff all day and into the night.  And I cry over everything – happy tears, sad tears, angry tears; that’s how I release emotion.  If you look at the pictures of our actual wedding ceremony really closely, you’ll see Blaze and I are both crying.  I was doing okay until he got all choked up and that did it.  My Matron of Honor, bless her heart, knows me, and tucked a tissue into my hand before I dripped on my blouse.  I cry at Kleenex commercials, movies (happy or sad), exciting moments (anything from my kid graduating to a great catch in a football game).  I’m a big softy.



Fiona: Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

Hmmm.  Vincent Van Gogh – just to give him a hug, for he was possibly one of the most tragic human beings ever.  His art touched me for the first time when I saw Starry Night in my third grade classroom (Thank you, Miss Centrella!), and shortly after that I saw “Lust for Life” with Kirk Douglas playing Van Gogh.  I started reading all about him, and wow, what a life he had.  What indomitable spirit!  What self-sacrifice!

Edgar Allan Poe – He was brilliant and I would love to just have a conversation with him about writing, and hope that a little of his awesomeness would rub off on me.



Fiona: What do you want written on your head stone and why?

Links to my Amazon Author Page and my blogs.  Because if you want to know about me, read my stuff it’s all in there.



Fiona: Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

I’m a movie buff.  I own over 500+ DVDs.  Blaze and I have dinner and a movie every evening.  I love reading, crocheting, photography, cooking, and arranging flowers, though writing and editing sucks up most of my time.



Fiona: What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?

I’m extremely eclectic.  Extremely.  I’m a huge Trekkie – own the original series, the Next Generation series, and all the movies.   I love “M*A*S*H.”  I love “Criminal Minds.”  “The Big Bang Theory” is just hilarious.  The crème-de-la-crème of my favorite movies are, “Somewhere In Time,” “Mary Poppins,” “Braveheart,” The Bourne Trilogy, the Lethal Weapon series, “Excalibur,” “Finding Nemo,” “Finding Forrester,” and “Red.”  Actually I love every one of my 500+ movies.  What I watch at any given time depends on my mood.



Fiona: Favorite foods / Colors/ Music

Food: Steamed, hard-shell Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs.  Mac and cheese (the real deal, not the restaurant crap they make from a roux).  Let’s put it this way, I’m not shaped the way I am because I’m finicky.

Colors: Blue and purple.

Music:  EVERYTHING!  Depends on what mood I’m in as to what you’ll hear coming from my apartment.  I love blues, Motown, and swing best, but I love Metallica, The Cruxshadows, Ego Likeness, Bella Morte, Vivaldi, Chopin, Mozart, Queen, Billy Joel, and the Beatles too.  I have a playlist on YouTube of instrumental music (movie soundtracks and classical) for writing (lyrics distract me).  I have a second playlist of favorites on which there are well over two hundred songs from every music genre.



Fiona: If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?

In first grade I wanted to be a nurse (I think I liked the caps).  By third grade my answer was palaeontologist or Egyptologist.  Nowadays I think historian/researcher, specifically focusing on Native American history and culture.  I’m part Haudenosaunee and that part of my heritage has always fascinated me the most – it’s why my character, Lucy Bernelli is a shaman instead of a witch.



Fiona: Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?

Here we go.  (If you are looking to contact me, the best way is via my Facebook page either by commenting on my posts or private messages.  I post on FB daily.)

My website has links to everything else:

My Amazon Author Page

Owl’s Eye View Magazine

Friday Frights  (I have several stories on there; scroll down.)

My Facebook Page

My Twitter Page

Write Now with Terri DelCampo

The RoJo Adventure Blog (Children’s stories)

Disability Challenge with Terri DelCampo

Healthy Nudge with Terri DelCampo

Hi, You’ve Found Terri DelCampo (personal blog that contains “Pause for Thought” articles)

My iAuthor Page
