
Name: S. Donahue

Age: 37

Where are you from: Philly

A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc  

I have been with my husband for 15 years. We have an amazing 4 year old son. I am a Business Systems Analyst by day, writer by night. I currently attend college online as well. I love to read, write and shop.


Fiona: Tell us your latest news?

I am re-writing my first book Acquiring Hearts. I am really excited about it.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

I began writing in March 2013. My friend had published a book and I began asking her questions about the process and that’s how it all began for me. I found it very interesting.

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I think I first considered myself a writer when my first book Acquiring Hearts was published.  I worked really hard on it, but it didn’t actually hit me until it was live on Amazon.


Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

When I came up with Acquiring Hearts it was a process. The word Heart in a romance title is so popular. I didn’t want to have something that someone else already had. I searched Amazon to see if every title I picked was on there or not. It came down to me and the Thesaurus. That’s how Acquiring Hearts was created. It is still an original title to this day.

Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

It doesn’t matter how long you have known someone. When true love hits, you just know.

Fiona: How much of the book is realistic?

In Acquiring Hearts, the only part of the book that is realistic is the city where it takes place- Philadelphia, the place where they vacation-Wildwood, (That’s where I have been going ever since I was a baby.) the family dynamic not the actual people, and the Sauce vs Gravy battle. Other than this, it was all made up.


Fiona: What book are you reading now?

 Right  now I am beta reading 3 books by Addison Kline, A.M. Willard and Courtney A. Taylor.  I am currently reading Hook Me by Chelle Bliss.

Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Chelle Bliss. Although she herself is not a new author, I just discovered her books and I love them.

Fiona: What are your current projects?

 Currently I am working on the rewrite for Acquiring Hearts which is releasing on February 13th. I am rewriting the second book Trusting Heart as well. I have Judging Hearts, Curing Hearts and Redeeming Hearts all lined up to release this year. I just started book 3 in The Boston Kirkpatrick’s Series titled Delivering You. I will also be writing Book 4 titled Recovering You and book 5 titled Choosing You. I will be very busy this year. Follow my Facebook page for all updates and information.




Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

 I really hope it can happen one day!!!!!

Fiona: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

 This is a funny question for me when asked. I am the last person anyone would think would write a book. My mom even said this. I hated English in school. I didn’t write in journals in my teens, write poems, letters or nothing. I loved to read. I have been a reader since I can remember. I started reading at a very very young age. My love of reading made me want to be a writer. I always wanted to write a novel like all of the books that I have always read…especially romance. 

Fiona: Can you share a little of your current work with us?



Fiona: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?


I think it’s actually finding the time to write. I have to do it at night and sometimes I am completely exhausted, but I push myself to do it.

Fiona: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

No. Just if I am doing an event, which I usually only do local ones. You will find me in my kitchen writing, editing, creating book teasers for myself and others.

Fiona: Who designed the covers?

 All covers were designed by Addison Kline @Ravenspire Book Designs except for The Long Pour. I designed that cover myself.

Fiona: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

I would have to say the sex scenes. You have to make sure they are evenly spaced out..well for me that’s my way. I don’t want to have too much in a book or too little. It needs to be the perfect amount. The hardest when writing a book is having them experience different things. They can only kiss and lick so much. I try to think of different scenes that are original and never used before. My grape scene in Locking You for example… Check it out!!!

Fiona: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Some days may be hard and things may not go your way, but never give up.  This is your dream and it can only become what you make of it.

Fiona: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I love each and every one of you. You make what I do that much more awesome. Not only do I write for myself, but I write for you as well. 

Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?

My first book I read other than children’s books was The Babysitters Club books. I used to love them when I was younger.

Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

My son makes me laugh, he is the funniest little kid I have ever met. The stuff that comes out of his mouth is epic.


Fiona: Other than writing do you have any hobbies ?

Shopping- I am a shopaholic. I buy everything.

Fiona: What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?

Keeping up with the Kardashians, Total Divas, Dancing with the Stars, Mob Wives

Fiona: Favorite foods / Colors/ Music

I heart pizza and Chinese food. / black and pink together are my favorite colors/ I am a die hard New Kids on The Block fan. I keep the dream alive!!!!

Fiona: If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?

Maybe a personal shopper for a celebrity?


Fiona: Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?

Website: http://sdonahue15.weebly.com/

Amazon page http://www.amazon.com/S.-Donahue/e/B00FQIPBWS/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1

FYI- I run Swanky Stories Book Blog and Bibliophile Book Reviews- stop by and say hi!!