Name: Bronwyn Heeley
Age: 28
Where are you from: Blue Mountains, Australia – which is 2 hours west of Sydney, if that helps any, lol
A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc
Hm…about me, I’m a stay at home mother of two. I have server learning difficulties (just think dyslexic) that made me the type of person who’d just wait for the movie instead of reading something that would make me feel stupider than I already did. But I loved to write, my journals got up to 26 A4 notebooks, which makes my family unsurprised by my career path, while my reading habits shock them.


Fiona: Tell us your latest news?
I don’t really have any news. Nothing’s coming out, not unless I finish actually writing the bloody thing.
But feel free to look into the books I’ve already published, especially if you’re into paranormal romances (
Oh! Oh, I just started working on a co-author series with NJ Nielsen, very excited about that project, and for you guys to see it, but it won’t be out until mid-next year at the earliest



Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?
I began in, I believe it was 2008, when I first read Twilight and realised I could do that.



Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Um…can I say a couple of months ago, mostly because my mum always corrected me when I said I wasn’t one, and finally, it sank in, I’m an author.



Fiona: What inspired you to write your first book?
I’m going to go with the one I first published. It’s a free contemporary romance called My Kevin, which has a clean cut inspiration. There is a set of photo’s I saw on Tumblr. One is two young boys kissing in front of a house (another is in front of a Christmas tree). Then there is an actual set, one of two boys in a pool, the next of their backs at a fair, holding hands, and the last them in suits, and every time I saw these pictures something in me wanted to write a story for them. So I did.
You can find that one here:



Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style?
At the moment, and what you’d see if you picked up my series is a quick, manga style that is about a small window of time in their life. That type of style needs a series to be read in order.
This isn’t a style I want to stay true too, it’s very specific for the series itself. I believe I’m too new to know what my style is, but I hope one day to find it.



Fiona: How did you come up with the title?
They either come before the story idea, or in that first idea appears. Or a story never comes with a title and trying to find names for those ones are horrible.



Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Not really, not for any that have come out yet, but I have a few that I hope to have something deeper to them.



Fiona: How much of the book is realistic?
None, there may be landscapes that will reflect places I’ve been. But they are fiction in a true form, at least they are so far anyway.



Fiona: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Not yet. I have a few stories in the lines that will reflect things that happened in my life, it won’t go the way it went in my life, but they will hold deep meaning to me.



Fiona: What books have most influenced your life most?
Hm…i can’t say I can think of any at the moment, or if any had. Books haven’t really been a driving force in my life, especially my younger years, they just made me feel stupid.



Fiona: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Again, I’m not sure, the author that has helped me out the most – even if she didn’t know she was doing it, was Mercy Celeste, her postings on her blogs have helped me more than once. But I’ve never really spoken to another author about what I’m working on, without them already reading my books.



Fiona: What book are you reading now?
At the moment I’m reading between three series: Nehalem Pack series by AJ Jarrett, Brac Pack series [and all that link into it] by Lynne Hagen & Campus Cravings series by Carol Lynne – but those are the ones I’m planning to read, who knows what I actually do, lol



Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
April Ott, she hasn’t been published yet, but I BETA read the first book she’ll be submitting and it was good, and I can’t wait until the day comes when others can read it too



Fiona: What are your current projects?
I have three: 1) finish editing Love Without Knowing It, for publishing in November, 2) Moonlit Wolves 7: Protecting My Werewolf & 3) a horror short story, I want to publish in Oct, but I’ve not got high hopes for that one.



Fiona: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Facebook. It is honestly the perfect place, to learn, to grow, and to get to know like-minded people (ha, love that I’ve been able to use that line). Truly great group of people, or at least that’s what I’ve found.



Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?
Yes. Definitely and I’m of the belief that everyone should, even if you are just doing it for a lark.



Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
I’d re-write the first book in my Moonlit Wolves series, or maybe publish it as a prequel later. That books has very strong characters, or at least there kinks are, and I find that even in a re-write those traits would still be there, and it’s not a great start to a series to have people turned off by what they needed while in bed.



Fiona: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I read Twilight and I think I was 2 chapters in when my head click, “I could do this, easily” and I haven’t looked back since.
Like I’ve said before, I’ve always loved to write, and I’ve always created elaborate stories while arguing with people, but it was never a reality to me that I could ever write. Wasn’t a wish on a wish, so until that point I mentioned above, the idea that I could write a book wasn’t even on the radar.



Fiona: Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Moonlit Wolves 7: Protecting My Werewolf, this is the end of the first series arc. it’s all about ending this fight the guys have been having with the hunters. I’m also hoping it will hold a few answers left from book 1.
This one is about a guy coming in and trying to take Jex back to his father only he ends up in the middle of a fight and he can’t seem to leave one of the men when there’s a possibility that he could be killed.
Love Without Knowing it: is about prostate cancer, it’s written in that short time period when you go to the doctors and waiting for results. It’s has a happy ending though.



Fiona: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Hating what I’ve written. There is just this moment when you’re writing that you get to that you think “why have I bothered, it doesn’t make sense, the characters aren’t working, there’s no plot, there no point, I should just scrap it”, it’s hard to get past that point, that wall that isn’t giving you anything. it’s horrible.



Fiona: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
I don’t have a favourite author. I have some that I buy without real thought, but generally I love books from authors even if it’s the only thing from them that I would ever read.



Fiona: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
No. I will when my career gets bigger, or I have some money saved. I’d really like to go to conferences, or book signings, but at the moment I’ve got no money to go anywhere.
I don’t go anywhere for what I write. I’ve been to Oberon, with is about 2hrs west of me, but I could have written the series without going there, mostly because I use to when I was younger.
Though I mostly try and place my books in generic places that can be placed all over the world, because they can become where you live, and places you’ve seen rather than what I’m seeing. I believe doing it this way let’s a person relate better to a book, as they don’t have to think so much about the world around the characters.
I’m not sure if this actually works, mind you, it’s not really something people talk about when they are reviewing your work.



Fiona: Who designed the covers?
For the Moonlit Wolves series I have the talented Cameron Waters who works for eXtasybooks.
My first self-published book was mostly my sisters doing, and lately I’ve just gotten together and done my first attempt, and not to boast or anything, but I think I’ve done a good job.



Fiona: What was the hardest part of writing your book?
The re-readings. I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but I absolutely hate re-reading my books, and once they are published I will never read them again.



Fiona: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
Like about myself? I’ve not allowed myself to get there yet. I’ve got WIP that will be like therapy sessions for me, but as it is I haven’t written anything deep.
I have learnt how to write sentences better. How to structure them and what things need to be fought for when it comes to overseas marking. I’ve become a better speller, and I see my mistakes when they are happening now, which isn’t something I’ve been able to see before. But they all happened while editing with the publisher.



Fiona: Do you have any advice for other writers?
Research. And I’m not just talking about the things you are writing about, hell, I’m actually lacks in that department. I say research everything around it before putting yourself on the line. Learn about the publishers, about self-publishing, make sure that’s the place your book would be best placed and not the place you want to be published in.
Learn everything that you possible can and then ask people question, make sure what you’ve learnt works and what doesn’t. Don’t just go in on blind faith that the person you’re asking knows what they are doing. Yeah they might, for them, but that doesn’t mean it will work for you.



Fiona: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Just keep on reading, they get better, lol – and I’m nice, you want to talk, find me and I won’t stop, I love hearing from anyone. Hell, hit me up even if you’ve never read me.


Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?
When I was a pre-teen I read The Baby Sitters Club, Little Sister series & Paul Jennings Uncollected series, they were the only things I could read. When Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out, I was pregnant with… I can’t remember one of my kids, but after I watched that road crash of a movie I read that book, and I haven’t stop since.


Fiona: Other than writing do you have any hobbies ?
Reading. – oh, I collect pegs, but that’s not something I’m like mega passionate about (I do have a nice collection, though it’s not all the same peg, they are different types, that’s what I look for, what I display)


Fiona: What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?
I love crime shows, Criminal Minds, NCIS, yadda yadda, (but not movies) I watch most of them when they come on, oh, and Please Like Me – if you’ve not watched that, go out now and do so, awesome show.


Fiona: Favorite foods / Colors/ Music
I’m not a fan of food, but I crave Vegemite, and I mean when I don’t have a jar in the house all I want in some on toast, and if I haven’t had any after 2 days my hands start to shake.
My fav colour is pink and my favorite type of music is alternative, at the top of the list at the moment is The Ruban, Tegan and Sara, Kate Miller-Heidke …


Fiona: If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?
Before I had children I wanted to be a croupier, but afterward I was baffled, I knew I’d have to be something, but I had no idea what that would be, until this came to me, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.


Fiona: Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?
I’ll leave links below, I post everyday on my blog, but only a few have meaning. If you want to chat with me, you’ll mostly find my on facebook, but I look I’m in other places, and I check them out daily.

or on Facebook: